Moisturizing Woes: Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize?

Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize?
Despite regular moisturization, your skin may still feel dry. It's important to find a more hydrating moisturizer and address any potential skincare errors to restore moisture and alleviate dryness. Keep reading to find out how!

When you have dry skin, the first go-to solution is to moisturize. Layering the lotion on works some of the time but what if you are doing all the moisturizing that you possibly can and it's still just not enough?

While moisturizing your skin is essential if you want to maintain its youthful glow and healthy appearance, even when we use the best products available, our skin can still feel parched. This could be due to several factors, from environmental conditions to lifestyle habits to the biggest culprit, incorrect skincare routines.

In this blog post, we will look at the 9 most common reasons to answer the frustrating question of "Why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize?"

What is the Root of Dry Skin?

Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize and Drink

Dry skin is skin that lacks enough moisture, in the form of sebum or natural oils, to keep itself hydrated and protected from environmental factors. Due to its dry, flaky nature, the skin allows moisture to escape and invite potentially harmful irritants to enter the skin.


Your skin type can change and overlap through the due course of a year so it may be hard to pinpoint where your skin stands in the skin type category. If your skin checks one or more points off of this list, chances are, your skin is hydration-challenged:

  1. scaling, cracking, flaking, peeling, or parched skin
  2. itching
  3. stinging and burning sensations on the skin

Top 9 Reasons For Dry Skin and Fixes

Choose the Right Moisturizer

With the current variety of skincare products available in the market, there are products for all skin types. Knowing what works for your skin type is essential. Dry skin benefits from products that include hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin. A touch of ceramides can do wonders for strengthening the skin barrier.

Use Your Moisturizer Correctly

We all know how the Goldilocks effect goes and it applies perfectly when it comes to using your moisturizer correctly. Use too much and you're risking the reduction of the skin being able to produce its oil. Use too little and your skin remains dry.

i.e. For the face, try using a nickel-size worth and apply it after allowing all previously used serums to dry and settle into the skin.

Harsh Products In Your Skincare Routine

Even with the best moisturizer suited for your skin, if you've got other products in your routine that are astringent or moisture-stripping like a harsh cleanser, then your moisturizer may not be enough to make up for that damage and hydrate the skin to the capacity that it needs.

Avoid products with ingredients like alcohol, harsh exfoliants, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and fragrances (especially if you have sensitive skin).

9 Best Ingredients for Dry Skin To Go From Flaky to Fabulous
Lose the itchy flakes for a supple, bouncy, healthy, and hydrated finish with the 9 best ingredients for dry skin!

Hot Showers

Hot showers or baths can strip the skin of its natural oils and leave it bare and dry not to mention the fact that it can damage the outer layer of the skin if it is too hot for a long period of time.


Overwashing the skin can also strip the natural oils off of the skin as it can depleat the moisturizing molecules present on the skin.

Lack of SPF

Most people, no matter what their skin type, don't love wearing sunscreen for various reasons - for dry-skinned folks that reason is, of course, dryness.

Contrary to popular belief, leaving out sunscreen triggers a domino effect starting with sun-damaged skin that can then lead to a weak skin's natural moisture barrier. This means less natural oil production resulting in drier than ever before skin.

Instead of skimping on sunscreen, find a sunscreen with moisturizing ingredients that hydrate and soothing while protecting your skin from UV rays.

Cold, Dry Climate

Seasons affect our skin and for dry skin, the winter snowflakes manage to bring out actual flakes in our skin. Cold climate holds less moisture and draws out the little moisture left in the skin.

To combat that, try using thick, rich and creamy moisturizers in the winter along with a humidifier indoors to balance out the cold, dry climate.


Exfoliating isn't only for those with oilier skin or clogged pores - it's for all skin. Dry skin just needs a more hydrating and soothing ingredient like lactic acid. (and not glycolic or salicylic acid).

Exfoliation removes the dead skin cells and excess skin that builds up over time and creates a dry, flaky texture. Once or two a week, exfoliate your skin gently to reveal the new hydrated skin underneath.


As we age, the sweat and oil glands in our bodies reduce resulting in less natural hydration and therefore drier skin. Menopause and chronic conditions can also lead to dry skin. While we cannot stop the natural process of aging, we can properly take care of our skin and follow the steps above to help our skin stay plump and supple for a longer period of time.

Other reasons:

A few other causes for dry skin include pre-existing or underlying skin conditions, medications, and genetics. If you've tried the solutions above and are curious about whether you fall into the aforementioned three categories, please consult a dermatologist for a more personalized treatment.

Conclusion - Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize?

While moisturizing the skin is an absolute must-do for dry skin, if you're not using the right moisturizer or applying it correctly, you may still end up with dry skin. And if you follow all the moisturizing steps correctly and still have dry skin, go through the checklist above to narrow down what is causing your unhappy skin.

While some factors like genetics and aging aren't in our hands, having the correct skincare routine is do-able. Check out this article next for the 9 Best Ingredients for Dry Skin To Go From Flaky to Fabulous!


How to get rid of dry skin around the mouth overnight?

You can treat dry skin around the mouth with the same ingredients and methods that treat regular dry skin. Try moisturizing the area with products with aloe gel, oil, shea butter, and oatmeal. Wearing lip balm can also protect the area.

Why does lotion burn dry skin?

Dry skin can be cracked. When lotion initially seeps into the cracks, it can burn. Proper care can heal and seal away the skin with time.

How can I hydrate my skin naturally?

Hydrating ingredients and habits are vital but drinking plenty of water, getting proper sleep, and eating food with high water content like avocado and citrus fruit can help moisturize your skin as well.

How We Curated Our List

Whether you fall under the category of dry and dehydrated skin or flaky skin, there's always a way to learn how to make your skin work for you.

There are products on the market, with fatty acids and natural oils, to boost skin hydration. Something as simple as the wrong moisturizer can elevate skin dryness while something like a hydrating toner can make the difference.

We've taken the guesswork out of it for you and compiled a concise list of ways to revive your skin health that will keep your skin hydrated.

Whether you're looking for a luxury option or something more affordable, we've got you covered.


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Why Is My Skin So Dry Even When I Moisturize

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