Best Korean Toner for Dry Skin: Reviews & Recommendations

Best Korean Toner for Dry Skin
Toner helps to remove any lingering dirt and makeup after cleansing, and restores the skin's pH balance. Keep reading to find your next favorite!

Ready to level up your skincare routine by adding a little something extra to boost your skin health?  Toner is an essential step in any skincare routine. It helps to hydrate and refresh the skin, while also removing any leftover residue from cleansing resulting in improved skin tone and texture.

Not only do toners target specific dry skin concerns, but they also help prime and prepare your skin for the upcoming products in your skincare routine.

Keep reading to find out the 5 Best Korean Toners for your hydration-craving skin!

What is Toner ?

Many people believe that toner is an optional step in their skincare routine, but it can be an important part of keeping your skin hydrated and healthy.

Toner helps to remove any lingering dirt and makeup after cleansing, and restores the skin's pH balance. Additionally, toner can help to minimize the appearance of pores and prep the skin for the rest of your skincare routine.

How Do You Use It

Use clean hands or simply soak a cotton pad with the formula of your choice, then pat it over your entire face, neck, and chest. For best results, follow up with a serum or moisturizer while your skin is still damp.

How To Make the Most Of This Article

We all have our own skincare goals and we want to help you reach yours. Before you dive into the reviews, take a minute to jot down what your top 2 to 3 concerns are that you hope to solve with this product. Throughout the reviews, we have highlighted key features to help you browse through with ease till you spot your perfect K-Beauty Toner.

Best All-In-One: I'm From Rice Toner

Why We Are Passionate About It

Looking for a gentle and effective toner made with natural ingredients? This multitasking toner not only forms a protective barrier over the skin to prevent water loss, it also eliminates dead skin cells and re-balances dry and tired skin.

Made with 77.78% rice extract, its collagen-producing and water-retaining properties help plump the skin while antioxidants protect skin from free radicals thereby slowing down the appearance of aging.

Vitamin E-rich rice extract has moisturizing properties that softens the skin. And of course, rice extract helps in lightening pigmentation and even out dull skin.


Reviews demonstrate that users are in love with the gentle and comforting feel of this product. People have raved about how great their skin looks after consistent use - acne clearing away, smoothness to the touch, hydration for sensitive skin types, and more. Many customers find themselves repurchasing it time and again due to its incredible effectiveness.

What's In It and How is it Made

Ingredients used include rice extract, natural extracts (common purslane extract, rice bran extract, Japanese elm bark extract, amaranthus caudatus seed extract), and adenosine.

This product is vegan and cruelty-free. It is formulated without artificial fragrances, colors, parabens, sulfates, animal products, alcohol, mineral oils, essential oils, and silicone.

Best for Anti-Agining Benefits: PYUNKANG YUL Facial Essence Toner

Why We Are Passionate About It

Looking for a facial essence toner that is perfect for sensitive to all skin types? Look no further than PYUNKANG YUL Facial Essence Toner. Made with only seven essential ingredients, this toner provides deep moisture with excellent absorption. It improves skin elasticity, reduces inflammation, and helps collagen production especially for dry and combination skin.


The product has been widely praised for its ability to give skin a healthy and radiant glow, leaving it feeling bouncy, plump and hydrated. Even those with very dry, sensitive or rosacea-prone skin can use the product without any issues of irritation.

What's In It and How is it Made

Ingredients used include astragalus membranaceus root extract, 1,2-hexanediol, and butylene glycol.

Plus, it is free of artificial fragrances, colors, paraben-free, cruelty-free, and alcohols. This product is also cruelty-free and does not result in irritated skin, even if the skin is sensitive.

Best for Sensitive Skin: Dear Klairs Supple Preparation Facial Toner

Why We Are Passionate About It

Looking for a way to hydrate and calm your sensitive skin? Look no further than the [Dear, Klairs] Supple Preparation Facial Toner. This gentle toner is formulated with various plant extracts and soothing ingredients to help calm and hydrate your skin. This K-Beauty favorite helps to enhance absorption of other products and also prolongs hydration by more than 20%. For best results, use 2-3 times consecutively. It can be used on all skin types, but is especially great for the sensitive-skinned folk. For all the oily-skinned folk, this one is also for you because this toner is crafted to reduce the dreaded oily feeling some toners out that leave on your skin after use.


Reviews are pouring in and people with a wide range of skin types - from oily to dry, combination, acne-prone and even sensitive skin - appear to be loving this toner. It layers well under makeup while preventing unnecessary peeling. The packaging also gets thumbs up for its easy-to-use dispenser. If you're unsure if the product is suitable for your complex skin type, do give yourself peace of mind by doing a patch test first!

What's In It and How is it Made

Ingredients used include hyaluronic acid, centella asiatica extract, beta-glucan, and lipidure.

This product is cruelty-free and vegan. It has also completed the Primary Skin Irritation Test and Primary Skin Irritation Test for Sensitive Skin.

Best for Repairing: TONYMOLY Wonder Ceramide Mocchi Toner

Why We Are Passionate About It

Looking for a multi-use toner that does wonders for dry, weak skin? Meet our TonyMoly Wonder Ceramide Mocchi Toner! This hypoallergenic, skin-repairing, hydrating toner is formulated with ceramides that help reinforce skin's moisture barrier with the help of EWG Green ingredients. It provides daily care that helps strengthen, hydrate and protect skin so you can achieve smooth, bouncy, mocchi-like skin! It is another perfect fit for those with dry or sensitive skin.


Testimonials from users reveal how much they appreciate this toner for its hydrating feel. Many have experienced a decrease in acne, dark spots, and redness with continued use of the product. Unlike other toners that are lightweight with water-like consistency, this one has a thicker texture yet still feels comfortable on your skin.

What's In It and How is it Made

It is formulated with 5000 ppb ceramide (repairs and reinforces skin’s moisture barrier), panthenol (vitamin B5), hyaluronic acid and centella asiatica (provides skin-soothing care).

It is alcohol-free.

Best for Matured Skin: Blithe Vital Treatment 5 Energy Roots Face Essence for Damaged Dry Skin

Why We Are Passionate About It

If you're looking for an all-natural face essence that will help improve your skin's tone and texture, look no further than BLITHE's Vital Treatment 5 Energy Roots Face Essence. This water essence is perfect for both day and night use, and can be applied after cleansing and before using any heavier face creams or lotions.

Specifically crafted for sensitive and mature-skinned folk, the 5 Energy Roots Face Essence is made with 46% extract from five different types of vitamin and amino acid-rich roots which provide essential nutrients and antioxidants.


Users have overwhelmingly reported that this product leaves skin feeling soft, supple and moisturized without an uncomfortable stickiness. In addition, reviews indicate that it is particularly suitable for those with dry or sensitive skin types.

What's In It and How is it Made

It is formulated with 5 Roots such as burdock root, lance asiabell root, balloon flower root, red ginseng, lotus root as well as vitamin-rich water essence and 120-hour fermented oil.

This product is NOT tested on animals and is free of parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, mineral oil, urea, BHT, TEA, or phthalates.

Toner FAQs

Toners have been around for a long time, but there's still a lot of confusion about them. People often think that toners are the same as astringents, or that they're only for people with oily skin.

Toners play an important role in any skincare routine. We've put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about toners, along with their answers.

What does a toner do?

A toner does a few things:

1. It removes any remaining traces of makeup and dirt from your face.

2. It closes your pores to prevent dirt and bacteria from getting trapped in them.

3. It balances the pH level of your skin, which is important because an imbalanced pH can lead to a variety of skin problems.

4. Some toners also contain antioxidants or other beneficial ingredients that can help improve your skin barrier and health.

When should I use toner?

Toner is best used immediately after cleansing the skin. It helps to remove any residual dirt or makeup, and it also helps to rebalance the pH of the skin. This helps to prepare the skin for the next step in your skincare routine.

Are toners good for dry skin? 

Toners can be helpful for dry skin if they are alcohol-free and contain humectants, which help to attract and retain moisture. Some good humectants include glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and propylene glycol. Look for a toner that is also pH-balanced so it won't upset the delicate acid mantle of your skin.

Can I use toner without moisturizer?

Yes, you can use toner without moisturizer. However, it is not advisable to do so, as toner helps to remove dirt and oil from the skin while moisturizer helps to hydrate and nourish the skin.

Can I use toner everyday?

Yes, you can use toner every day. Just make sure to choose a toner that's suited for your skin type-for example, someone with oily skin should use a toner with salicylic acid, while someone with dry skin should use a gentler toner like rose water. Also be sure to avoid harsh ingredients like alcohol or fragrance if you have sensitive skin.

Should I rinse after toner?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question – it is simply a matter of personal preference. Some people feel that rinsing after toner helps to remove any residue from the skin, while others believe that leaving the toner on the skin allows it to better penetrate and hydrate the skin. Experiment and see what works best for you!

Should toner be applied to wet or dry skin?

It is best to apply toner to dry skin. Applying toner to wet skin can make the skin feel tight and cause it to dry out. They also help to prepare the skin for moisturizing.

Do I apply toner before or after moisturizer?

Toners are applied after cleansing and before moisturizing. Some toners also contain ingredients that help to hydrate or brighten the skin.

Do dermatologist recommend toners?

Dermatologists often recommend using a toner after cleansing the skin. There are many different types of toners on the market, so it's important to find one that is suited to your individual skin type.

Can I leave toner on my face overnight?

Toners are considered to be a part of the cleansing process as it does a final sweep and gets rid of any dirt and impurity that was gone uncaught. As its purpose is to sink into the skin, washing it off would defeat the purpose of using the toner.

This said, toners works best when followed up with proper skincare products such as a moisturizer to avoid negative results such as drying your skin depending on the toner used.

Why is my face sticky after toner?

It's not unusual for your face to feel sticky after toner. That's because the toner is supposed to remove any dirt or makeup that was left on your skin after cleansing. It's also meant to remove any traces of oil or sebum that may have been left behind. It can also mean that too much of the product was applied with the remainder forming a sticky layer on the top of the skin.

If you find that your face feels too sticky after using toner, you can try using a moisturizer afterwards to help absorb some of the excess oil.

Why Korean Skincare?

There are a number of reasons why Korean skincare brands have become so popular. One reason is that Koreans have long been known for their dedication to skincare. In Korea, both men and women take great pride in having beautiful skin and spend a lot of time and money on products and treatments.

Korean skincare products also tend to be very high quality. They are often formulated with cutting-edge ingredients and technologies and are developed by experts in the field. Additionally, Korean skincare products are usually quite affordable compared to other high-end brands.

Best Korean Toner For Dry Skin For You - What We Recommend

We hope that this post has helped you better understand the benefits of using Korean toners for dry skin and given you some ideas on which one might be best for your skin texture and type. If you’re looking to try out a K-Beauty toner, we’ve got great options for you, so be sure to check out them out.

How We Curated Our List

It can be overwhelming trying to figure out what product is best for you, with the market ranging from toner made from licorice root extract to rice water. So, we've taken the guesswork out and compiled a concise list of high-quality products that will fit both your budget and your needs.

Thanks for reading!

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